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Bridge repairs force detour

Motorists looking to travel between the North Burnett locations of Byrnestown and Biggenden may need to plan for delays over the coming weeks, as...

UPDATE: Severe thunderstorm, hail, destructive winds

UPDATE: A more severe storm warning has been issued for the South Burnett region. The Bureau of Meteorology warns that by 4.50pm the area...

QGAP building’s future

The QGAP building, 51 Lyons Street, Mundubbera, is under consideration by the North Burnett Regional Council for disposal. The building is currently being used...

An increase in Wondai crime over recent years

Looking back over the Wondai division’s overall crime statistics since 2001*, the 2024 crime is the sixth highest crime year recorded in this 23...

IN PICS: BVRT parkrun party time

There was ‘guac’ a lot of tutus and cake at the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail parkrun’s second birthday. Run Director and co-event director...

HEATWAVE: What’s causing this heat

Intense heat continues to persist over the Burnett this week, with temperatures mid-to-high 30s forecast. The Bureau of Meteorology has released a severe to...