Free vegetation workshops

Alan Broom, BIEDO Agriculture Officer, with Kristy Board, BIEDO General Manager, and SBRC Agriculture Portfolio Holder Cr Kathy Duff. PICTURE: CONTRIBUTED

BIEDO, in partnership with South Burnet Regional Council are hosting Vegetation Management Workshops at Cloyna on 20 June and Kingaroy on 21 June.

These will provide landholders with an understanding of any changes to the legislation directing vegetation management in Queensland.

David Hinz from the Department of Resources will be providing a summary and update of all maters relating to vegetation management in Queensland.

Topics will include Clearing Laws and Codes, PMAVs and Categories of vegetation.

“Everyday, our agricultural sector is significantly affected by the weather and government policy,” BIEDO General Manager Kristy Board said.

“BIEDO is running a series of workshops in the region to provide valuable information to help make informed decisions with the best agricultural, scientific, environmental and financial management information the sector has available, from experts who can be contacted for further advice.”

“There are 2 workshops on the Vegetation Management, part of a series of workshops being planned this year to benefit the agriculture sector,” BIEDO Agriculture Officer Alan Broome said.

“The workshops are funded from the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), a recognition of the hardship the agricultural sector has experienced from floods over the past 3 years.

“We’ll be partnering with South Burnet Regional Council to hold this series of workshops throughout the region”.

Agriculture Officer Alan Broome added that the Vegetation Management workshops run for two hours.

“The Cloyna workshop is at night and provides a BBQ dinner to participants; and the Kingaroy workshop is in the morning and will include a light lunch,” he said.

“This information is important. We have deliberately replicated these workshops at Cloyna and Kingaroy so that people can choose which time and place is most suitable to attend.”

For more information and to RSVP visit the website or contact BIEDO on 0400 695 456