Festival of Small Halls stops by Burnett

Kellie Loder is one of the artists on this year's spring tour. (Supplied)

Three small halls around the Burnett will come alive with music in coming weeks.

The Festival of Small Hall’s Spring Tour will stop by Booubyjan Hall on 25 September, Ironpot Farmer’s Hall on 10 October and Monto’s Landcare Hall on 11 October.

This year’s tour will feature performances by Kellie Loder and duo Van Dijk and Mcdonald.

The music tour will put on 20 shows across four weeks, heading from the South Burnett and Banana regions down to border towns of Texas and Goondiwindi.

Newfoundland musician Kellie Loder will be travelling to Australia for the inaugural Australian tour.

“I am beyond excited to bring my music to Australia for the first time in my career,” Kellie said.

“I’m so very grateful that I’ll be introduced to such a beautiful place through being a part of one of the greatest festivals there is.”

Folk duo Van Dijk and Mcdonald will be bringing fresh tunes with them on tour.

“It’s thrilling to be back on the road filled with such rich memories of previous tours,” Jan Van Dijk said.

“It’s the stories from the locals from each town that stick with you the most afterwards.”

Jan said there was a charm to travelling significant distances to share your music.

“When you get off stage being rewarded with such generously personal stories from audience members about themselves, the community and the unique history of the surrounding lands,” Jan said.

The festival is aimed at giving life back to some of the old country town halls and give rural musicians a chance to perform.

On 25 September, the Booubyjan Hall will have the great tunes to match its great views overlooking farming properties. Meals and a bar will be available on the night and tickets will be $20 for adults and $15 for concession and youth over 14.

A couple of weeks later, it will be Ironpot’s turn for a party.

The Ironpot Farmer’s Hall represents nearly 90 years of community.

Opening the Ironpot show on Thursday 10 October will be the South Burnett’s Misfitz duo Rob and Clare Fitz-Herbert who will bring their unique sound and energy to the stage.

The Ironpot Hall Committee will be providing a range of meals and a bar on the night. Full admission is $25 for adults and children under 5 are free.

The following night the festival will move onto Monto to finish off the town’s centenary celebrations the weekend before.

It has been a while since Monto’s Landcare Hall and former scout hall has hosted weddings or parties and the Landcare group are keen to see it full of community members again.

On Friday, 11 October the Festival of Small Halls Monto Show will be opened by North Burnett musician Grace Ellerton.

Born and raised in Kalpowar, Grace is a self-taught singer-songwriter and has been performing her own original works with guitar and piano from her early teens.

She enjoys indie and country music and is hopeful to release her own album one day.

Food will be available from 5.30pm and the Monto Landcare will be providing a bar.

Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for youth and children under 12 are free.

The doors to all three shows will open at 6pm, for the show to start at 7pm.

Tickets are available at festivalofsmallhalls.com