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Jason Miles, Nanango (Independent)

Jason Miles is running as an Independent candidate for Nanango. How did you come to call your electorate home and what’s your background? I...

Bryson Head, Callide (LNP)

Bryson Head is the incumbent member for Callide. In the 2024 State Election he will be running again as the LNP candidate for Callide....

Big Map a big success

North and South Burnett residents walked away from Disaster Relief Australia’s ‘Big Map’ sessions equipped to plan their next steps during and after a...

Cherbourg’s Golden Oldies

Cherbourg honoured its elders during a community luncheon on Saturday, 5 October. The town's annual Golden Oldies celebration took place in the Cherbourg Community Hall,...

Council’s 10 demands to ‘fix’ region

Last month the North Burnett's council approved a list of 10 priority infrastructure and policy items to streamline their discussions with future State and...

Deb Frecklington, Nanango (LNP)

Deb Frecklington is the incumbent member for Nanango and will be re-running as the LNP candidate in the 2024 State Election. How did you...

‘We need black cops’: council

Cherbourg councillors challenged Queensland Police Service top brass at a recent meeting, urging them to mobilise more Indigenous crime prevention personnel to the First...

Chris O’Callaghan, Callide (One Nation)

Christopher O'Callaghan is the Pauline Hanson's One Nation candidate for Callide. How did you come to call your electorate home and what’s your background?...

Welcoming 100 years of Monto

Monto celebrated 100 years since the beginning of its township in 1924. Monto residents, both past and present, as well as new visitors came...

BIEDO celebrates rural women

Happy International Rural Women’s Day! People around the world celebrated our rural women today, Tuesday 15 October. BIEDO celebrated by inviting South Burnett women...

Labour of love for Eva’s Place

Floral wallpaper, comfy carpet and a big baby boutique room has been a labour of love from the Eva’s Place community. Nearly four years...

St Bernard on show

It was about putting the best paw forward at the Nanango Kennel Club Conformation Show at the end of September. Over the weekend of...

Cobb and Co driver’s passion

A Murgon local has a huge collection of antique vehicles, from Cobb and Cos to Chariots. Brenden Trace has been professionally driving horses since...