Search for Kilkivan man suspended

Robert Weber has been missing since January 6th.

Police have suspended an extensive search for a 58-year-old missing man.

Robert Weber was last sighted with his dog leaving a Kilkivan hotel in a white 2000 model Ford Falcon on 6 January.

After a week of searching through dense bushland, rivers, dams and steep terrain during wet conditions in the Kilkivan area, the decision was made to discontinue the search for the Narangba man.

A search of the immediate surrounds was leg by police with the assistance of State Emergency Services personnel and aerial assets concluded Wednesday afternoon.

Local property owners and police stock squad will continue to keep an eye out for them.

Despite the search being called off, anyone who may have any information which may lead to Robert or his dog’s whereabouts are urged to contact police.

Police thank the members of the community who have assisted.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at