‘KEEPING YOU CONNECTED’: News is still here

Burnett Today's newspaper team Jasmine Firmin, Daniel Pelcl, Michael Callaghan, Neesha Sinnya, Jessica McGrath, Amy Buckingham and Sharon Jones. 228990_01

Today is ‘paper day’ for Burnett Today newspaper readers who all have access to our print edition in their local newsagency or grocery store.

They can catch up on the news, sport and community news from the past week at their leisure with their favourite cup of coffee by their side.

We keep you connected with what’s happening in your wider community with our hyperlocal stories -the good, the bad and the sad ones.

During the week, the Burnett Today website is regularly updated to ensure readers can ‘keep up with the news’ between weekly editions.

However, not all places we read the news are so accessible.

This morning the 14 million Aussies who use Facebook all woke up to blank pages when it came to news organisations, health authorities and even the Bureau of Meteorology.

Facebook Australia announced their decision to ban news stories from being shared this morning in response to Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code legislation.

“Facebook will have to restrict publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content on Facebook.”

Initially Queensland Health’s Facebook pages were blocked during an international pandemic, as well as important weather alerts during cyclone season could not be shared through the Bureau of Meteorology’s blocked Facebook page.

RACQ Lifeflight’s rescue alerts and stories are still being blocked.

People living outside of Australia also cannot view or share Australian news content or content from Australian news Pages on Facebook.

Facebook stated this move involved restricting publishers and people in Australia from sharing or viewing Australian and international news content on Facebook.

“Google Search is inextricably intertwined with news and publishers do not voluntarily provide their content. On the other hand, publishers willingly choose to post news on Facebook, as it allows them to sell more subscriptions, grow their audiences and increase advertising revenue.”

Burnett Today’s website allows readers to read three free stories a month, and can pay $2.50, the same as the cost of the weekly newspaper, each week for full access.

Health alerts, public safety notices and other important information will be available as free stories when they arise.

However, reliable accurate journalism done right is hard work -it takes time, energy and expertise.

Burnett Today’s team of eight employees all live locally in the Burnett region, ready to report on local news and support local businesses. The team members are each also involved in your local community groups and events.

You can still read our news on our website, in our newspaper or even on Instagram @burnett.today.

Let us know when there’s a story within your community that you could love to share in the newspaper. Give us a call on (07) 4182 0450 or email newsdesk@burnetttoday.com.au