South Burnett Western Performance Club will be trotting in shades of purple at their upcoming Beginners Show.
The Beginner Show fundraiser on Sunday, 23 May will line up with Chrohns Disease Month to raise funds for the Chrohn’s and Colitis Foundation.
The club will be raising awareness for the disease as well as much-needed funds -20 per cent of the show profits and 10 per cent of sales on the day from club Bronze sponsor Trail Riders Emporium -Online Store for Horse Trax Oz will be donated to the foundation.
Each of the members will be competing for the prize for the best purple presented and best dressed on the day.
100 per cent from the raffles on the day will be donated to the foundation, and the club are still welcoming prizes from local businesses.
The weekend will also have a RANCH Feature show on Saturday, 22 May.
The judge for the weekend will be Lita Morrison of Stoney Ridge Quarter Horses who has more than 40 years experience.
“Passionate, patient, consistent, horse-lover -these are just a few of the characteristics that describe me,“ Ms Morrison said.
As a trainer Ms Morrison loves working with both the rider and the horse.
“Whilst I work with many different people, I often work with people that may have lost confidence, motivation, or doubt their abilities when working with their horses,“ she said.
“This is quite common and trust me when I say I can help you. You will be confident and capable after working with me.
“I take such pleasure in seeing each person’s journey and watching them grow to be the best they can with their horse.“
The Club was very pleased to be granted funding through the Stanwell Community Grants program for upgrades to the Canteen and camping areas at the Club grounds to the value of $15,750. This work will provide better facilities at the grounds for visitor and members.
This is a great start to the Club’s big capital works program that includes putting a lid on the arena as well as new horse yards, campsites and better facilities for our equestrian community.
Other events coming up are listed on the SBWPC Events page bit.ly/3f4liZK and include a Come and Try Day on 1 August, sponsored by the South Burnett Regional Council – Health Communities Program.
The Beginners Show and RANCH feature show will be held at the club’s facility at Racecourse Rd, Nanango.
For any queries contact President Sarah Saxer – 0419 631 025