BIOSECURITY RISK: Invasive cactus spotted in Burnett

An invasive cactus species has been spotted in the Glan Devon area.

A biosecurity alert has been released for the Glan Devon region in the South Burnett.

Harrisia Cactus, an invasive cactus species has been confirmed by the Queensland Herbarium as being present in the Glan Devon district of Nanango.

South Burnett Regional Council’s Pest Management contractors made the discovery during routine weed surveillance on a property recently.

Harrisia Cactus (Harrisia martinii) is a restricted invasive plant (Category 3) under the Biosecurity Act 2014 and regarded as a medium – high biosecurity risk in the South Burnett.

This is the only known active infestation of Harrisia Cactus in the South Burnett and if allowed to spread, has the ability to form dense infestations that will reduce pastures to a level unsuitable to stock. Seeds are highly viable and readily spread by birds.

Council’s Natural Resource Management team and pest management contractors will be undertaking surveillance of properties in the Glan Devon area over the coming weeks to determine the extent of the infestation and identify if there is a risk of further spread to new areas.

Council is asking landholders and residents to familiarise themselves with the identification of Harrisia Cactus, check their paddocks and gardens, and report any suspicious plants on your property to Council’s Natural Resource Management team on 4189 9100.

Early detection and reporting are key elements in controlling Harrisia Cactus. These reports will be essential in mounting a response to this new biosecurity threat to our region.

For assistance with identification, to report possible sites or to find out further information, please contact the council’s Natural Resource Management team on 1300 789 279, 4189 9100 or email