OPINION: Kingaroy Solar Farm – What will it really give our community?

Desley Benecke (left) looking at the plans of the proposed solar farm at Kingaroy. 288383_01

Solar Power, Wind Power, Coal Power. We all want it – green, clean, reliable and cheaper. But at what cost to everyday lives and our rural community? I wish to draw your attention to the solar farm that’s to be developed at 397 Kingaroy Barkers Creek Road.

It’s close to town – really close. Two kilometres takes you to Tessmanns Road and residences there, Five kilometres and you’re in the CBD of Kingaroy. For me and my family it’s 130 metres away. For at least sixteen families, it’s within one kilometre of our homes. My husband and I have made a home here for thirty-eight years and our retirement plans certainly didn’t include living next door to the construction site of a solar farm.

Like many of you, we’ve chosen to live and retire in the community that’s been a home to us, that’s enabled us to raise a family and run a successful business. Now in retirement, we find our rural residential amenity will become a noisy, dusty construction site for up to twelve months and then panels of a solar farm as our outlook, right next door.

Your aspect to the east of the town will no longer be that rural outlook of prime agricultural land, of gentle, rolling grassy hills with cattle grazing, home to our birds and native animals, rather solar panels utilizing energy from the sun and in the meantime a major construction site. The busy road into town from the east will become even more congested and potholed from additional heavy transport bringing infrastructure to the site.

So close to town. Too close to town. Too close to many homes.

Solar farms certainly have their place in generating power for our future but not when the impact will be felt by so many, right on our town boundary and so close to homes and housing estates.

Kindest Regards

Desley Benecke, Kingaroy

READ the full story on the solar farm here: burnetttoday.com.au/news/2022/07/07/residents-look-for-answers-around-solar-farm/

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