Meet the Bunya Care team

The Bunya Care team are ready to help: Russell Huskisson, Neil Williams, Carolina Williams and Marinda Garland. Picture: Michael Callaghan

Bunya Care, based in Kingaroy, provides a variety of services to NDIS participants.

Bunya Care provides Supported Independent living, SDA, plan management, support coordination, community access and group activities.

Our group activities cater for all ages, males, and females with some evening activities. Anyone is welcome. You do not have to be a Bunya Care participant to attend.

Our offices are located at shop 6 , 193-199 Haly Street.

Please meet our team:

Carolina Williams -CEO

Marinda Garland -support coordinator

Russell Huskisson -client services manager

Neil Williams -WHS, Properties and Procurement

Please contact us on or contact us directly on (07) 4162 2756.