Residents of Proston and surrounds will have to ration their water use until further notice, after a “major plant malfunction” in Council’s network has resulted in the town being placed under emergency water restrictions.
A spokesperson for the South Burnett Regional Council advised the region’s residents making use of the Proston town and rural water supply networks that the local government organisation had made an emergency declaration under the Water Supply Act 2008 on Tuesday, 13 September.
“Council is imposing temporary emergency water restrictions for the Proston town and Proston
rural area,” a notice to South Burnett residents from Council began.
“The emergency restrictions will apply from 5.00pm Tuesday 13 September 2022. These restrictions are required as a major plant malfunction has occurred,” the notice advised.
Council has not provided any further information regarding the scope, timeframe or location of the malfunction at this stage.
“Council requests that water use is restricted to internal use and essential external use only, such as cleaning of windscreens, pet enclosures or emergency purposes,” the notice continued.
“Watering of gardens and lawns is not permitted.
“Once repairs have been made, Council will remove these restrictions.
“We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your patience.
“Please direct any enquiries to Council’s Water and Wastewater section by phoning (07) 4189 9100 or by email info@sbrc.qld.gov.au.”
More to come.