Leave no one in need this Christmas

The Salvation Army has an aim of raising $3.1 million. 313526_01

Captain Tim Brown of the Salvation Army South Burnett region Corps is calling for kindness generosity and the giving spirit of the North and South Burnett communities this Christmastime.

The Salvation Army is launching its Christmas Appeal for 2022 with the aim of raising $3.1 million in Queensland to ensure no one is left in need during the festive season.

“Christmas is always the busiest time of the year for The Salvos – but add a turbulent year with drastic increases to the cost of living – and we’re expecting even more individuals and families will need support so that no one is left in need and no child goes without a gift on Christmas Day,” Captain Tim Brown said.

“If you can afford to lend a hand or make a donation, you’ll be making a huge difference to those who are really struggling.”

“Leaving no one in need also means leaving no one lonely this Christmas. We would love to see you at any of our events, church services or community programs during the festive season.”

Last year, the Salvation Army nationally distributed over 19, 500 meals, over 9500 hampers and vouchers, more than 9900 beds to over 1500 families, and almost 4000 gifts and toys to families.

“Most importantly, take time to remember what matters most at Christmas – connection, community, friends, and family.

“Reach out to people, spend time with those you care about, and if Christmas is a hard or lonely time for you, remember that your local Salvos family is always just down the road.”

For financial and emergency assistance, please reach out to our national financial support service on 07 3001 6288 (9am-4pm Monday to Friday).

“From all of us at The Salvos, we wish you a peace and hope-filled Christmas.”