Have your say on cost of living pressures

As the cost of living is set to rise, some people are worried about being able to pay their bills and put food on the table. Picture: FILE

The rising cost of living is having a significant impact on household budgets, community groups and business finances.

Federal MPs are encouraging people to make a submission to a new Senate inquiry to shine a light on the reality of the cost of living.

The Liberal and Nationals Coalition has established a Senate Select Committee to inquire into the causes of cost of living pressures and how they are impacting Australians, and to examine and report on ways of easing these pressures through the tax system and the provision of Government services.

Flynn member Colin Boyce has introduced a motion that acknowledges that Australian households are worried about increasing pressures from the cost-of-living crisis brought about by recent interest rate rises and continued inflation.

Mr Boyce introduced the motion into the House of Representatives on 28 November as he claims that more must be done to support families through this extremely difficult time.

“The number one issue that I hear when travelling around the electorate of Flynn is how people are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis,” Mr Boyce said.

“I have been inundated by emails and calls from retirees, families and working people that are hurting every time they go to the supermarket, every time they open their electricity bill, every time they get a letter from their bank announcing an interest rate rise and every time they fill up at the bowser.

“On 97 occasions the Prime Minister promised Australians that their bill would go down by $275 dollars. Well, where is it?

“To help Australians facing rising prices, we need to tackle the source, not just the symptoms, of cost-of-living pressures.

“The Budget fails to use fiscal policy to make any headway to reduce pressures on inflation – the source of the pressure.

“This Government needs to focus on the issues that matter to Australians and deliver a real and comprehensive plan to ease inflation and cost-of-living pressures.”

Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien has heard similar concerns in his electorate.

“Many constituents tell me that the cost of living is the number one issue they are facing, and some are worried about being able to pay their bills and put food on the table,” he said.

“The Select Committee wants to hear from Australians across a broad range of sectors and demographics, and I encourage families, individuals, and community organisations in the Wide Bay to make a submission.”

The inquiry will establish a comprehensive picture of how cost of living pressures are impacting Australians.

It will then identify the actions and the policies the Government must put in place to address this looming crisis.

“Local businesses are telling me that their energy costs are set to skyrocket in 2023,” Mr O’Brien said.

“These costs can’t be absorbed by business and they will have no choice but to pass on increases to consumers.

“This will just make it even harder for households and community groups in Wide Bay to make ends meet.”

The Senate Select Committee is inviting submissions from interested individuals and organisations, and will close on 10 March 2023.

The Committee intends to conduct hearings and call witnesses before releasing its final report and recommendations.

Submissions can be via the Committee’s website: www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Cost_of_Livinq/costofliving