The value of dietitians in managing diabetes

Vital Health Kingaroy’s dietitian Lauren shares some information about the valuable role dietitians have in assisting people to manage their diabetes and overall health.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a condition where the body cannot properly regulate blood sugar levels. When food is eaten, the sugars are digested and released into the bloodstream. The body then produces insulin which helps our muscles and organs use this sugar as energy.

In Type 2 diabetes, the insulin our body produces is not as effective as it should be, and not enough insulin is produced to keep blood sugar levels stable. Without enough insulin, sugar builds up in the bloodstream.

Over time, high blood sugar can cause damage to blood vessels, leading to complications such as blindness, increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, kidney disease, and poor circulation which can lead to poor wound healing and potentially lower limb amputation.

With years of previous experience as a registered nurse, Lauren has seen firsthand the devastating effects type 2 diabetes can have on a person’s life if not properly managed. Thankfully, there are ways to help manage diabetes through diet and lifestyle, which can help prevent the disease from progressing.

Food and eating habits play a significant role in managing blood sugar levels, so it is very important for someone to consult a dietitian if they have been diagnosed with diabetes or are at risk of developing diabetes. Dietitians are equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide expert nutrition advice and support for many medical conditions, including diabetes, in collaboration with other health professionals.

The first appointment with a dietitian assesses the client’s personal goals and preferences, along with their current food and lifestyle habits. From this, a dietitian can provide education, advice, and coaching on the best ways to align diet and eating patterns to better manage blood sugars and prevent disease progression.

Dietitians are highly qualified and experienced experts in their field, and they understand that managing health can often be complex and confusing. By developing targeted goals and strategies in collaboration with their clients, dietitians can help anyone to overcome barriers and start making positive changes that are realistic, enjoyable, and sustainable.

The most effective way to manage diabetes is with an approach that works for the individual. No matter what the person’s situation is, dietitians are there to help them succeed in managing their health and wellbeing.