Special visitor for Proston QCWA

Her Excellency, Dr Jeanette Young, Governor of Queensland with members of Proston QCWA; Councillor Kathy Duff; Janice Jamieson Division President QCWA Gympie South Burnett Division; and Emma Proston's young lady in QCWA training. PICTURE: Contributed

Her Excellency Dr Jeannette Young, Governor of Queensland, visited Proston on Monday 3 July 2023 and our friendly community gathered to welcome her on paying us such an honour.

Proston QCWA were included and Proston Branch President Val Klein, and Gympie South Burnett Division President Janice Jamieson welcomed Her Excellency to our rooms.

We were proud to showcase what we do in this community, and these efforts were favourably acknowledged by Her Excellency.

Emma Catlin (great granddaughter of member Eileen Vos) has long been “A QCWA young lady in training” and was overjoyed to receive a medallion from Her Excellency to encourage her to keep up the good work with QCWA.

In Emma’s words “My brother William will be so jealous”.

In keeping with tradition, we provided a delicious light luncheon of finger food which of course included “scones, jam and cream” and judging from remarks made, it was very well received.

Photos were taken to mark this prestigious occasion, some of which will take pride of place on our photo wall.