Transition days

Transition for Preps. Pictures: Contributed.

Get Set for Prep at Yarraman P-9 State School

It is an exciting time for you and your family as your child takes their first steps into the “big school” environment.

Starting school can be an exciting but stressful time for you and your child.

For some children it may be the first time away from their parents. They may be going in to a strange environment with unfamiliar people and things around them.

At Yarraman P-9 State School we aspire to create smooth transitions between Kindy, home and school.

This is done through building strong community relationships and allowing opportunities for familiarity before the commencement of the school year.

At Yarraman P-9 State School we follow the Australian Curriculum through an inclusive and differentiated approach to teaching.

We believe in building productive working relationships with children and their families to ensure that children are achieving to their highest potential.

Throughout Term Four, Yarraman P-9 State School runs a number of transition days to allow your child to build confidence and sense of belonging within the Yarraman school community.

These transition days embed age appropriate pedagogies and allow students to build relationships with their upcoming peers, teachers and support staff.

The transition into school sessions for Yarraman P-9 State School are Monday’s throughout Term Four from 9am to 11am on the following dates:

• 20th of November

• 27th of November

• 4th of December

Come along and meet our team and discover the Yarraman STARS.

We look forward to meeting you and your child at this exciting time in their lives.

For more information please feel free to contact the school on 07 4173 7333

Year 7 at Yarraman P-9 State School

Our Yarraman P-9 State School motto of “Strive to Excel” encapsulates our commitment to providing the best possible educational environment for your child.

At Yarraman we go further than just focusing on academic gain. We believe in the importance of supporting the development of all facets of our students.

Through a collective collegial approach, we maintain a positive learning environment for our students to enable them to focus on intentional and positive development.

We expect high standards of behaviour from all students and use the ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ framework to drive our school expectations of being safe, trustworthy, active learners, respectful and successful.

Our students display enormous pride in being Yarraman STARS and we look forward to your child joining our Yarraman community.

Yarraman P-9 State School understands the importance of smooth transitions and preparing your child for changes throughout their education.

We invite your child to join our Year 7 Transition days to help familiarise themselves with the school environment, their peers and teachers throughout Term 4.

Our next transition day will be held all day at Yarraman P-9 SS on the 23rd of November.

For more information please feel free to contact the school on 07 4173 7333