Looking for a brighter day

South Burnett Suicide Prevention Working Group's Deb Emery, Donna Ryan (Youth Insearch), Andrea McGee, Judy Nickless, Chloe McIntosh (Youth Insearch) and Danita Potter are looking forward to a 'Brighter Day'. PICTURE: Jessica McGrath 388791_01

We can all do our part to help make a Brighter Day.

Next Friday, 23 February, is Brighter Day, a chance to be bold and bright and let young Australians know that they matter.

South Burnett Suicide Prevention Working Group are throwing their support behind this Brighter Day initiative as part of their extended support of Youth Insearch’s work in the region.

They encourage schools, businesses and community groups to consider brightening up their region and hosting their own event.

Youth Insearch’s End Youth Suicide Week is recognised from Monday, 19 to Friday 23 February and strives to create greater awareness about the issue of suicide amongst young people and to help build greater resilience and coping skills to prevent youth suicide.

According to Youth Insearch, 1 in 3 young deaths, aged 15 to 24, are tragically by suicide.

Brighter Day wraps up the End Youth Suicide week and is an opportunity to show at-risk young Australians that they are not invisible to the community by throwing a colour-filled, totally unmissable event to commit to raising funds and awareness.

Participants are encouraged to throw a party filled with colourful clothes, wild hair and bold unmissable makeup.

All money raised from Brighter Day fundraisers go directly to funding life-changing peer-ed support programs to help create a brighter future where young people experiencing trauma can access the face-to-face care they need.

Sign up to host your own Brighter Day event at brighterday.org.au at your school, workplace or in your community. Set up your donation page and spread the word and use it as an opportunity to safely talk about mental health.

If you do host a Brighter Day event, Burnett Today would love to support it -please send through details to newsdesk@burnetttoday.com.au

This topic may be distressing for those with a lived experience of suicide. If you need assistance, please contact:

Lifeline 13 11 14

Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467