Large fires across the region

Firefighters at Golden Fleece in the North Burnett as well as Okeden near Proston in the South Burnett are battling large grass fires this afternoon. (FILE)

Two grass fires have broken out in the North and South Burnett regions today, with firefighters at Golden Fleece near Biggenden calling in air support while first responders in Okeden northwest of Proston faced thick smoke in their efforts to control a blaze on the move.


Around 12pm on Thursday, 26 September, firefighters were called to the intersection of Okeden Road and Mantheys Road near Proston in the South Burnett.

On arrival, they reported ‘large volumes’ of smoke coming from a grass fire moving south.

A total of six Queensland Fire Department crews worked on controlling the blaze, establishing firebreaks and backburning along Mantheys Road.

As of writing, the fire is under control and four crews remain on scene to extinguish any lingering hotspots.


At Golden Fleece north of Biggenden in the North Burnett, firefighters for the Rural Fire Service and Fire and Rescue continue to battle a large grass fire threatening structures and properties along the Isis Highway and Mount Goonaneman Road.

The first fireys arrived at around 12:15pm, with a total of 10 crews on scene at time of writing.

A plane and helicopter were also called to the fire in order to drop water and provide aerial vision of the affected area.

According to a spokesperson for the Queensland Fire Department, around 2pm firefighters began backburning to rein in the flames; their efforts succeeded on one side of the Isis Highway and they have since shifted their attention to the western side of the road.

QFD reported that some structures were under threat from the fire before on-scene crews managed to backburn and protect them.


Both fires triggered smoke exposure warnings from the Queensland Fire Department.

Residents in the affected areas are asked to stay indoors and away from smoke.

The Department have listed the current fire danger rating for the Wide Bay-Burnett region as ‘Moderate’.

The North and South Burnett regions have experienced five large-scale grass- or bushfires this week alone.