Residents around Boolboonda near Mount Perry are urged to stay informed of a bushfire in the area.
The fire is burning near Gin Gin Mount Perry Road and moring towards Edina Range, with the warning area extended out towards Nellers Road.
Firefighting aircraft is assisting ground crews in keeping hte fire under control.
According to the Queensland Fire Department, no properties are at risk, however some roads may be closed and the smoke may make it hard for people to breath and reduce visability.
– Stay informed because conditions could change
– Check the QFD Current Bushfires and Warnings website regularly.
– Follow QFD on Facebook and X.com.
– Listen to your local radio station.
– Tell friends, family and neighbours in the area.
– Decide what you will do if the bushfire gets closer.
– Follow your bushfire survival plan now. If you do not have a bushfire survival plan, make one on the QFD website.
– Decide where you and the people you live with will go. This could be with family or a friend away from the fire.
– Keep medications close by.
– Avoid smoke – stay indoors, close windows and doors, and avoid driving through smoke.
– Watch out for firefighters working in the area.
– Do not fly drones around the fire. Drones affect air operations.
– If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.