Kingaroy Writers club’s latest news

Kingaroy Writers Association shared one of the pieces a member had been working on titled Why did she do it. (SUPPLIED)

A merry time was enjoyed by all K.W.A. members and their spouses who attended their Christmas breakup party on Wednesday, 11 December 2024.

The morning began with poems, stories and jokes pertaining to Christmas.

Julia entertained us by reciting her hilarious poems about various aliments afflicting Santa’s reindeer and why we could not expect a visit from the jolly man in red this year, Well done, Julia!

Brad gave us a quiz with some very puzzling questions that made us think.

Each person present took along a small gaily wrapped gift and these were distributed to all those in attendance.

We then enjoyed a meal of our choice amid much chatter and laughter, we parted with good wishes to all as we go into recess for the holidays.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11 February 2025 10 am till noon at Kingaroy RSL.

Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month.

New members are always welcome.

For more information, please contact Gabrielle Cavanagh on 41622538.

Example of a Kingaroy Writer’s Association member’s work:


I see her standing with blood on her hands,

Alongside the body of her dying man,

She kicks off her slippers and shakes out her hair,

As the neighbours appear from everywhere,

Their faces confused as they gaze at the sight,

Why did she do this, Why did she strike.

The police arrive and take her away,

They’ll find out the truth come what may,

There’s never been trouble not even a fight,

That could lead to the result of this terrible night,

Her hushed defiance does nothing but chill,

Why did she do this, Why did she kill.

I live in the house just one door away,

Many times, I ask, are you OK,

But she has always denied what I know to be true,

The things that I’ve heard, you cannot undo,

So, gather the pieces all tattered with rot,

The lie in what’s sacred the truth in what’s not.

And kick off your slippers and shake out your hair,

Don’t be first to condemn what you don’t understand,

Do not choose explanations you think might be true,

Or the person who’s guilty may well just be you,

And now that its over and now that it’s done,

Her name has no number, not even the one.

By K.W.A. member