What difference does Relay makes for people living with a cancer diagnosis?
What can Relay do to assist with the healing process?
South Burnett Relay For Life is entering its 20th year in 2025 and with the world of Relay shrinking each year in Queensland, the South Burnett Committee is considering how to keep Relay relevant in the South Burnett.
Let’s start with why Relay is important.
Relay is the link between survivors, carers and those who have lost their loved ones, to assist with the healing process.
The stories at Relay of how families have found healing after spending time at the Survivors and Carers Afternoon tea where there’s the sharing of their individual story, comparing their times during and since their diagnosis and treatment.
How hard it was with having family so far away and the travel after initial hospitalization, to and from appointments as there’s nothing available in our area.
Linking survivors and carers to a support group such as Birds of a Feather or Proston’s Angels.
This is where an important bond is made, not only between cancer survivors, but carers who may be family and also of where they got treatment, where to go for help, where to access assistance with varying issues since initial treatment.
At the SB Relay For Life, a connection between community support such as Mental Health, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Regional Health Nurses such as The McGrath Health Nurse are made.
‘Why reinvent the wheel when others have already paved the path’ is our motto.
Relay is a fun way to celebrate the survivors, remember and honour those lost and pledge to fightback in the best way they know how… raising money for research, education and support.
We don’t want anyone to face a cancer diagnosis much less alone, but if they do, we want everyone in the community to know there’s somewhere to go to get help and support.
We want our South Burnett community to know that there is someone out there who is fighting for a cancer free future.
Help the South Burnett Relay for Life committee keep our Relay alive in the South Burnett. We need you.
Relay 4 Life is scheduled for 11 October, 2025.