‘It Starts with You’ was the take home message from the Dementia Friendly Community Education Session held in Proston on Saturday 11 September.
A large crowd enjoyed hearing from speakers on a variety of topics related to supporting people living with dementia and their carers.
A desire to support a community member living with dementia and the caring and understanding response shown by the Proston community was the catalyst to form a Dementia Friendly Community support group. Following a successful grant application to Dementia Australia for Proston to be recognised as a Dementia Friendly Community, a community education day was planned.
The group were very grateful to the two Proston Community Members Pat and Roger Henry who agreed to be the faces of Proston Dementia Friendly Committee initiative.
Dementia Friendly Community Committee member, Kath Crane, was delighted with the attendance and interest shown by the community.
“It was wonderful to see such a great cross-section of our local community coming along to hear these speakers,” she said.
“It was gratifying to see such a positive response from those who attended.
“We thank all the speakers who gave up their Saturday to come along and share their knowledge and expertise.
“A special mention should be made of Marie-Louise Bone, the Queensland co-ordinator for Dementia Friendly Communities Australia, who travelled from the Gold Coast to be with us.”
The event was opened by Cr Kathy Duff and guest speakers included Mrs Pat Henry, Dr Graham McAllister, Marie-Louise Bone, Jonesy QAS and Jon Gordon Proston Police, QCWA Country Kitchens cooking demonstration, Lucy English Lutheran care, Jenny Gemmell SB Care and Helena, Inspire for Care.
The Proston group are hosting a Dementia Australia facilitator for three in depth education sessions at Wondai RSL Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 October.
The group are hoping that people from across the South Burnett will take advantage of this education opportunity.
Monday sessions are: Worried about your memory 1 – 3pm, followed by Carer Gateway information session 3.30 – 4.30 pm, Understanding Dementia 6 – 8 pm.
Tuesday morning session: Communication and dementia 9.30 am – 12.30pm.
All sessions are free. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact Kath Crane 0407091019.